January 1-31, 2026 | Every Day
January is a strange time of year, often with not much going on after the busy holiday season, and it is easy to put down the camera and forget about it. That is exactly when you need to pick it up, so at the suggestion of one of the loyal BCPA alumni, I have instituted an annual fun challenge.
This is supposed to be light-hearted. In other words, no nail-biting critiques, no angst, no excuses, no reason to not accept the challenge. This is not about the Pulizer Prize photo, rather making one image every day in January from the 1st to the 31st. All for the huge sum of $75, as I had to raise the price now that I know how much work goes into each session and preparation of the mosaics and videos from each week's submissions. Still a bargain!
It can be done with your big-girl-boy camera, your "stupid" phone or a combination, just as your normally do. You only have to make one photo each day. Maybe somewhere close by, maybe on a trip, perhaps in the grocery store, maybe in your kitchen, or on a daily walk. You're traveling by plane? Just do an image inside the cabin! Again, these need not be beauty shots. Try to not miss a day - just do something mundane where you live with your cell phone, but do something.
Just one photo! Easy peasy!
This type of challenge can accept more than six participants, but I will limit it to 31 to go along with the 31 theme.
We will meet once each week on Sunday afternoon (ET) to accommodate folks both on the east and west coasts. Participants can send me their images so I can make a presentation from them. We will share and enjoy what people have done. Again, no critiques, just kudos for meeting the challenge. Perhaps you might try a new technique, experiment with a new way to develop your image, or perhaps, just show the image as is with no developing. There are no rules or expectations on this, just one image every day in January!
Meanwhile, check out the BCPA calendar for other upcoming workshops ...