Another Photo-rich Week in Maine

I did say last week that we were on the road and posting was difficult. Add to that the fact that we were home for only a day and a half before leaving this morning for our workshop in France.

Before the workshop started, we spent the night in a little inn on one of my favorite harbors. It was on the top floor of a cottage right on the harbor with its own deck. We could look out the sliding glass doors and view the entrance to the harbor and the islands beyond. Through the windows on the other side of the room, we could view the fishing docks and inner harbor.

What I loved the most, and what harkened back to my childhood sailing the Maine coast, was waking up to the deep thrum of the lobster boat engines as they headed out for the day.

This trip, I managed to get a few details, a few of which are below, and the rest of which are posted on my personal gallery (a blind page.)

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