Belize — A Photo Travelogue – 10

We headed into PG, the common name for Punta Gorda, for market day. It is colorful and hectic and full of photo opportunities. There are Mayan, ex-pat, Creole, Garifuna, and other people, so it was a real potpourri of a crowd. Everyone wants to sell their wares, whether fresh fish, fruits and vegetables, baskets and other handcrafts, and more. Children were everywhere, some clinging to their mother’s skirts, others chasing each other around.

© 2010 Zann and Pinkerton Photography for Barefoot Contessa Photo Adventures. All Rights Reserved.  For usage and fees, contact us at 310 Lafayette Drive, Hillsborough, NC  27278.  919-643-3036 before 9 pm east coast USA, or by e-mail at TBC at BCphotoadventures dot com.This little baby had the largest eyes I had seen thus far. She held on to her mother’s necklace as a security blanket.

© 2010 Zann and Pinkerton Photography for Barefoot Contessa Photo Adventures. All Rights Reserved.  For usage and fees, contact us at 310 Lafayette Drive, Hillsborough, NC  27278.  919-643-3036 before 9 pm east coast USA, or by e-mail at TBC at BCphotoadventures dot com.I walked by this bus station, and immediately backed up. I was struck by the phone on the wall over the waiting bench, but even more by the bicycles safely stored inside while their owners were off on some trip up north.

Several of us wanted to check out the local, “mechanized” chocolate factory, so we ambled along the waterfront.

© 2010 Zann and Pinkerton Photography for Barefoot Contessa Photo Adventures. All Rights Reserved.  For usage and fees, contact us at 310 Lafayette Drive, Hillsborough, NC  27278.  919-643-3036 before 9 pm east coast USA, or by e-mail at TBC at BCphotoadventures dot com.We came upon a group of fishermen and asked if we might photograph them. Everyone agreed, but one clearly changed his mind!

© 2010 Zann and Pinkerton Photography for Barefoot Contessa Photo Adventures. All Rights Reserved.  For usage and fees, contact us at 310 Lafayette Drive, Hillsborough, NC  27278.  919-643-3036 before 9 pm east coast USA, or by e-mail at TBC at BCphotoadventures dot com.On the way out of PG to head back to the lodge, we made a stop to drop off something, and two of us saw this yellow building with the family hanging out the window. The elder daughter ran outside and stood under the window with her brother above.

We met at Gomier’s, whom some of you “met” in one of the first blogs from Belize and had a delicious lunch. Some people had fresh fish, others lasagna, and some of us wraps with fresh grilled veggies. Gomier treated us to his home bitters that had a touch of anise. His brew was quite potent, so we mixed a little of it with our freshly-squeezed juice and enjoyed the thatched shade of his outdoor restaurant.

The next blog will recap our trip up into the mountains where we visited some very remote villages…

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