Belize — A Photo Travelogue – 13

I thought I’d get one more blog out before we head off into the wild blue yonder this morning, first by TropicAir’s puddle hopper to Belize City, thence on to a larger plane back to the states.

One of the things that strikes most travelers when heading to the tropics is the flora — all those beautiful flowers and plants. I love tropical plants and had fun with both macro work and using a long lens with a shallow depth of field to make the flowers stand out.

© 2010 Zann and Pinkerton Photography for Barefoot Contessa Photo Adventures. All Rights Reserved.  For usage and fees, contact us at 310 Lafayette Drive, Hillsborough, NC  27278.  919-643-3036 before 9 pm east coast USA, or by e-mail at TBC at BCphotoadventures dot com.© 2010 Zann and Pinkerton Photography for Barefoot Contessa Photo Adventures. All Rights Reserved.  For usage and fees, contact us at 310 Lafayette Drive, Hillsborough, NC  27278.  919-643-3036 before 9 pm east coast USA, or by e-mail at TBC at BCphotoadventures dot com.The Banana blossoms are surely one of the strangest of flowers. Here are two versions I did of them, one with a macro filter lens, the other simply with my telephoto.

© 2010 Zann and Pinkerton Photography for Barefoot Contessa Photo Adventures. All Rights Reserved.  For usage and fees, contact us at 310 Lafayette Drive, Hillsborough, NC  27278.  919-643-3036 before 9 pm east coast USA, or by e-mail at TBC at BCphotoadventures dot com.The color of this Hibiscus blossom in the early-morning light caught my eye. This was done with my macro filter.

© 2010 Zann and Pinkerton Photography for Barefoot Contessa Photo Adventures. All Rights Reserved.  For usage and fees, contact us at 310 Lafayette Drive, Hillsborough, NC  27278.  919-643-3036 before 9 pm east coast USA, or by e-mail at TBC at BCphotoadventures dot com.This Hibiscus bud stood out against a dark background begging to be photographed. Macro again.

© 2010 Zann and Pinkerton Photography for Barefoot Contessa Photo Adventures. All Rights Reserved.  For usage and fees, contact us at 310 Lafayette Drive, Hillsborough, NC  27278.  919-643-3036 before 9 pm east coast USA, or by e-mail at TBC at BCphotoadventures dot com.One night at dinner, I was struck by the surreal effect of artificial lighting on this Palmetto frond. I did this with my telephoto, hand held in low light.

© 2010 Zann and Pinkerton Photography for Barefoot Contessa Photo Adventures. All Rights Reserved.  For usage and fees, contact us at 310 Lafayette Drive, Hillsborough, NC  27278.  919-643-3036 before 9 pm east coast USA, or by e-mail at TBC at BCphotoadventures dot com.The next morning, I saw this backlit blossom. Its delicacy was exquisite. You guessed it, another macro shot.

In a couple of hours, the electric golf-cart taxi will pick us up and take us to the airport that you saw at the beginning of this series. Homeward bound, but definitely returning next year. I’ll do one final blog on some of the scenes on island, including a wonderful character named Shrimpy who does those tasty shrimp sticks I have mentioned in an earlier blog, so stay tuned…

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3 thoughts on “Belize — A Photo Travelogue – 13”

    1. Thanks for your kind comment. I try to make it conversational, as though I were talking directly to the audience.


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