Same Place — Different View, Maine Coast ’10 Students

Every time we get close to the Maine coast, something in me wakes up. It may be the salt air. Perhaps it’s all those childhood and adult memories. And I must not forget all those wonderful photographs I’ve made there that have been published all over and are hanging on the walls of private collections. It is always good to return, rather like coming home.

Several of our Maine Coast & Lighthouses participants said they had enjoyed Same Place — Different View, so I hope they will particularly like this one!

One of the exercises that Arnie and I often give is white on white. No color is allowed, and it sometimes flummoxes our participants.

Often, the subjects are very similar, but this time, there were vastly different versions of white on white:

Diana combined her white on white with another exercise in doing a photo of a lighthouse without showing the whole lighthouse. She then converted it into black and white.© 2010 Diane Powell.  All Rights Reserved.

Kristin chose to photograph a white tulip against the white of the lighthouse keeper’s house in the late afternoon light. Everything took on a warm, yellow glow.© 2010 Kristin Woodman.  All Rights Reserved.

We had been working with participants on light and shadow, so for her white on white, Peggy did a very simple, graphic shot of the fence shadow against a lighthouse.© 2010 Peggy DuMais.  All Rights Reserved.

All white on white, but so vastly different!

We visited a private boatyard that built and repaired traditional wooden boats. Some people photographed outside, some in. In the following two examples, a wall and probably less than ten feet separated the two shots.

Donna was fascinated with the elegant simplicity of the bow of the boat the owner was building for himself in the midst of all his other work.© 2010 Donna Epperson.  All Rights Reserved.

Chuck also went for patterns, but his were of a work table outside.© 2010 Charles Roth.  All Rights Reserved.

Again, totally different view.

There is a small pier that we always visit. We have gotten to know the owner and some of the people there. This spring, we were invited to join them for an informal lobster feast. We brought the beer; they produced the lobster and, as it turned out, clams and corn on the cob. Cost? $30 for everyone! That was total for everyone, not per person!

We had a delightful afternoon and an invitation to return during the summer workshop. Arnie and I, of course, each did our own Same Place — Different View:

© 2010 Margo Taussig Pinkerton.  All Rights Reserved.

© 2010 Arnold Zann.  All Rights Reserved.


Meanwhile, we have finished scouting in Tuscany for our 2011 workshop there and are now in Sicily getting ready for our workshop that starts Friday. We get reports that MooseCat is behaving and keeping our house sitters in line. We miss our very hairy friend (Maine Coon Cat) but are glad that he is in good hands.

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6 thoughts on “Same Place — Different View, Maine Coast ’10 Students”

    1. Diana, So glad you had a great time, and it’s always good to hear that people enjoy the comparisons of people’s different perspectives. Take care, TBC

  1. I, too, very much enjoy and learn from your “Same Place, Different View” posts. I am sure it is a lot of work for you to put this post together after each workshop. I do want you to know that I appreciate all of your effort. Looking forward to seeing you and Arnie Z. in Yosemite in December.

    1. Arnie B., It’s a lot of work, yes, but it is also fun to put together and deciding which images to include, making sure everyone is represented! Thanks for writing, and we’ll see you in December! Take care, TBC

  2. I always look forward to these comparisons. It is one of the more interesting aspects of image capture in a group setting, seeing how differently people capture a scene when they are present at the same place and the same time. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Dave, As always, thanks for your input. You have a really good eye, so we appreciate when you write. It’s nice to note that there are ever more people who also appreciate this approach. Take care, best to Kathy , too, and we look forward so seeing you in Yosemite in the fall! TBC and Arnie (from Sicily, where we are about to embark on a photo workshop that starts Friday!)

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