Same Place — Different View, Zion & Bryce Students ’10

Today will mark the end of our 8th week on the road. I has been a great road trip. We have gotten to see family and friends, welcomed back alumni to our workshops, and met some wonderful new participants. Everyone has done some really great work. What more could one ask?

This blog will compare some of the photos of our students from Zion & Bryce Canyon National Parks photo workshop.

One cannot go to Zion National Park and not photograph the Virgin River. It was no different with our participants.

Teri found a really dynamic arrangement of stones to lead the viewer’s eye into the image.© 2010 Teri Storin.  All Rights Reserved.  Barefoot Contessa Photo Adventures' Zion & Bryce Canyon National Parks photo workshop

While John used the pattern of the water flowing by him on either side to draw the viewer in.© 2010 John Correia.  All Rights Reserved.  Barefoot Contessa Photo Adventures' Zion & Bryce Canyon National Parks photo workshop

There is a classic place to photograph in Bryce Canyon National Park. We went there early one morning.

Amy used the sunrise to back-light Thor’s Hammer that was front-lit by the reflections off the cliff behind.© 2010 Amy Johnson.  All Rights Reserved.  Barefoot Contessa Photo Adventures' Zion & Bryce Canyon National Parks photo workshop

Cheryl, standing only a few feet away, turned around and photographed a less familiar scene.© 2010 Cheryl Robles.  All Rights Reserved.  Barefoot Contessa Photo Adventures' Zion & Bryce Canyon National Parks photo workshop

Some of you have already seen some of the night skies we did during the workshop. With no moon, it was spectacular!

Tim timed his shot to use a car’s headlights to light up some trees, then cropped his image into a square.© 2010 Tim McDonald.  All Rights Reserved.  Barefoot Contessa Photo Adventures' Zion & Bryce Canyon National Parks photo workshop

Sherrie kept to the classic 2:3 aspect ratio, but used the tools in her camera to give her shot a warm glow.© 2010 Sherrie Winarski.  All Rights Reserved.  Barefoot Contessa Photo Adventures' Zion & Bryce Canyon National Parks photo workshop

Down river from The Narrows in Zion is a waterfall. While some waded up toward The Narrows, others took a detour to photograph these falls.

Jeff wanted a close-up shot, and used the rock arrangements to good advantage.© 2010 Jeff Wilkes.  All Rights Reserved.  Barefoot Contessa Photo Adventures' Zion & Bryce Canyon National Parks photo workshop

Jim L. did a broad view, giving a different feel to this section of the river, even though he was standing very close to Jeff© 2010 Jim Lamb.  All Rights Reserved.  Barefoot Contessa Photo Adventures' Zion & Bryce Canyon National Parks photo workshop

Back in Bryce, we enjoyed sunset one evening and encouraged our participants to do something different, using light and shadow.

Jim T. did a very simple photo, using a diagonal composition to draw you through the image.© 2010 Jim Tripp.  All Rights Reserved.  Barefoot Contessa Photo Adventures' Zion & Bryce Canyon National Parks photo workshop

A few yards away, Eric composed a scene using the curve as his compositional element.© 2010 Eric Martinez.  All Rights Reserved.  Barefoot Contessa Photo Adventures' Zion & Bryce Canyon National Parks photo workshop

So once again, our students really learned a lot and made images that we would have been proud to make ourselves. For more of their images, go to the student gallery page.

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6 thoughts on “Same Place — Different View, Zion & Bryce Students ’10”

  1. Margo,

    As an avid BCPA/TBC alum, who has recently ventured into the realm of Workshop Provider, I continue to find inspiration in your work and your teaching.

    I’m certain that much of what I learned from you and Arnie, both photographically and as workshop hosts, presents itself in my images and in my workshops. I regularly reference you both to my workshop participants and refer them to your website, blog and workshops.

    Thanks for the continuing inspiration your work provides to all of us.

    1. Tom,

      What a lovey note. Thank you! Arnie and I look forward to seeing you again at one of our workshops.

      Meanwhile, as always, take care,


  2. Margo and Arnie – The Zion/Bryce workshop was amazing! I got everything I was hoping for out of the workshop and more. It was a special adventure that I will remember forever; the great atmosphere, the camaraderie and wonderful teachers. Thanks again for everything….(the morning hoodoos in Bryce and the late night sky shots in Zion – truly awesome experiences!)

    1. Tim,

      We really enjoyed meeting and working with you and Teri and watching you both grow as photographers. What fun we all had.

      Take care, and we hope to see you again next year!


    1. SN,

      Yes, they did a great job. Wish you had been there. You would have made some fantastic photos there.

      Take care, TBC

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