One Shot – Early Start

I know it’s not new, but I thought that occasionally, I would present a single shot — the kind where I only did one “frame” — and find out what you like about it … or not.

© 2010 Margo Taussig Pinkerton.  All Rights Reserved.  From Barefoot Contessa Photo Adventures.  For usage and fees, please e-mail BC (at) ZAPphoto (at) com or contact us at 310 Lafayette Drive, Hillsborough, NC  27278 or at 919-643-3036 before 9 p.m. east-coast time.The first one is from Georgia. We were there on a workshop, Savannah & Her Lowcountry. In one of the famous cemeteries, Arnie and I had given the participants assignments based on their needs. After checking in with those I could find — you’d be amazed at how quickly people can disappear in a graveyard — I wandered down to the water, as I am wont to do.

The previous year, I had found a shot I really liked, and with the fog on the river, I thought the chances were good that I might find another.

I did. In fact, I found a couple. As many of you know, I grew up sailing. It’s in my blood, so I perk up whenever I see a sailboat.

I was enjoying the gentle light on the river, the fog drifting in and out and giving an ethereal calm to the scene. The soft thrum of an engine announced itself, soon followed by this sailboat, trailing behind it the quiet ruffle of a wake.

It was too much to hope that the boat would go where I envisioned it. That would be asking far too much, so I positioned myself as best I could for different paths it might take.

I couldn’t believe it. The captain must have been telepathic and heard my brain, because he followed exactly the course I wanted. Too far to starboard, and the sailboat would have been lost against the right bank. Too far to port, and it would have been directly below and intersecting with the tuffett of land beyond.

What do you think? Does the photograph work for you? If so, why?

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2 thoughts on “One Shot – Early Start”

  1. This shot brings back so many memories of racing a 25′ Cal on Smith Mountain Lake. The early morning’s wake up call with a chill in the air, a mist on a lake, moored sail boats, and the sound of water all call out to me.

    1. Louise,

      First, thanks for writing. Having grown up sailing, the whole thing is in my bloodstream and will be there forever. I’m so glad this image sang to you.

      Secondly, what a hoot to run into you the other day in Costco!

      Take care,


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