Provence, Day 6, An Ancient Village

© 2011 Margo Taussig Pinkerton.  All Rights Reserved.  From Barefoot Contessa Photo Adventures.  For usage and fees, please e-mail Arnie (at) ZAPphoto (dot) com or contact us at 310 Lafayette Drive, Hillsborough, NC  27278 or at  919-643-3036 before 9 p.m. east-coast time.The blogs will be shorter now. Our workshop has started.

We started by going over our Principles of Photography in our imaging room, then continued over a lovely salad and pain in the courtyard. There were lots of laughs, and we all know this is going to be a good week.

We work on copyright metadata, Margo’s Tweaks, and the basic setup of Lightroom.

The stone-walled room in which we do our imaging is lovely and cool. Arnie brought our power strips for overseas, so there are plenty of plugs. It is companionable sitting around the table.

We look outside, and the light is getting good. We head up to one of our favorite little villages, this one high on the north face of Montagne du Luberon (Luberon Mountain) in time to scout. We revisited this little town earlier this week.

There is strong enough sun that we will find beautiful fill light on the shady sides of buildings. It makes some roses glow against a backdrop of a typical country door.

The sun drops, and the light goes golden. The buildings take on a beautiful glow.

We walk up a path that is new to us. There is a face beside an ancient door. She is curious, with her hand on the side and hair flowing around. We want to know the story behind this head. She is a mystery. We’ll never know.© 2011 Margo Taussig Pinkerton.  All Rights Reserved.  From Barefoot Contessa Photo Adventures.  For usage and fees, please e-mail Arnie (at) ZAPphoto (dot) com or contact us at 310 Lafayette Drive, Hillsborough, NC  27278 or at  919-643-3036 before 9 p.m. east-coast time.

I find a doorway tucked in behind some vines.© 2011 Margo Taussig Pinkerton.  All Rights Reserved.  From Barefoot Contessa Photo Adventures.  For usage and fees, please e-mail Arnie (at) ZAPphoto (dot) com or contact us at 310 Lafayette Drive, Hillsborough, NC  27278 or at  919-643-3036 before 9 p.m. east-coast time.

There is a rather fine castle that begs to be photographed. I see a wall to lead the eye into the photograph.© 2011 Margo Taussig Pinkerton.  All Rights Reserved.  From Barefoot Contessa Photo Adventures.  For usage and fees, please e-mail Arnie (at) ZAPphoto (dot) com or contact us at 310 Lafayette Drive, Hillsborough, NC  27278 or at  919-643-3036 before 9 p.m. east-coast time.

We spend time with our photography, and then a racalcitrant cloud comes over just as I am making another photograph, and it won’t leave. There will be no more light this evening. Bummer, but we have made lots of photographs. It is time to head back to Mas les Capelans.

Dinner? Tonight, a lovely Dorade, but for the appetizer, Françoise prepares some crevettes (shrimp) in garlic, wine, olive oil, and her wonderful mixture of herbs. We are once again in heaven. Our participants agree.© 2011 Margo Taussig Pinkerton.  All Rights Reserved.  From Barefoot Contessa Photo Adventures.  For usage and fees, please e-mail Arnie (at) ZAPphoto (dot) com or contact us at 310 Lafayette Drive, Hillsborough, NC  27278 or at  919-643-3036 before 9 p.m. east-coast time.

Tomorrow, we head further afield to another charming village with a different flavor. Until then, conversations flows over dinner, and life is good.

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