Summer Maine 2012, Day 00-01

Days 00-01 – Arrival and First Workshop Day

As usual, Arnie and I arrived a couple of days before the workshop began to make sure our locations had not seen some disaster.  All was well, not that we really expected anything else.  We checked in with old friends, did some photography of our own, and ate dinner at our favorite fish shack, Shaw’s over the harbor.

People usually love reflections. They come in all shapes and sizes. This was one I found before the workshop started.© 2012 Margo Taussig Pinkerton.  All Rights Reserved.  From Barefoot Contessa Photo Adventures.  For usage and fees, please e-mail BC (at) ZAPphoto (dot) com or contact us at 310 Lafayette Drive, Hillsborough, NC  27278 or at  919-643-3036 before 9 p.m. east-coast time.

I always love the lilies here. They are lush, probably because of the damp sea air, and the way the light comes through the petals always enchants me.© 2012 Margo Taussig Pinkerton.  All Rights Reserved.  From Barefoot Contessa Photo Adventures.  For usage and fees, please e-mail BC (at) ZAPphoto (dot) com or contact us at 310 Lafayette Drive, Hillsborough, NC  27278 or at  919-643-3036 before 9 p.m. east-coast time.

We visited a back cove while it was still raining. The sun almost broke through, casting wonderful light on the water and this classic. Friendship sloop with its tannin sails.© 2012 Margo Taussig Pinkerton.  All Rights Reserved.  From Barefoot Contessa Photo Adventures.  For usage and fees, please e-mail BC (at) ZAPphoto (dot) com or contact us at 310 Lafayette Drive, Hillsborough, NC  27278 or at  919-643-3036 before 9 p.m. east-coast time.

Back to reflections. This one attracted me because of the little lights strung between poles. They appeared to dance in the water.© 2012 Margo Taussig Pinkerton.  All Rights Reserved.  From Barefoot Contessa Photo Adventures.  For usage and fees, please e-mail BC (at) ZAPphoto (dot) com or contact us at 310 Lafayette Drive, Hillsborough, NC  27278 or at  919-643-3036 before 9 p.m. east-coast time.

The sun set as the fog was coming in. Many of us were attracted to these elements in the water. I love the design they created.© 2012 Margo Taussig Pinkerton.  All Rights Reserved.  From Barefoot Contessa Photo Adventures.  For usage and fees, please e-mail BC (at) ZAPphoto (dot) com or contact us at 310 Lafayette Drive, Hillsborough, NC  27278 or at  919-643-3036 before 9 p.m. east-coast time.

And those string of lights. Here I just concentrated on them, using the railing as an anchor. And yes, the pole was crooked!© 2012 Margo Taussig Pinkerton.  All Rights Reserved.  From Barefoot Contessa Photo Adventures.  For usage and fees, please e-mail BC (at) ZAPphoto (dot) com or contact us at 310 Lafayette Drive, Hillsborough, NC  27278 or at  919-643-3036 before 9 p.m. east-coast time.

Next: A harbor, a classic lighthouse and who knows what …
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4 thoughts on “Summer Maine 2012, Day 00-01”

    1. Patrick,

      So glad you enjoyed the photos. We have been doing photograph for many decades and never tire of making new images.

      Take care, and thanks for writing,


  1. I love your photos, especially the reflections. with the lights. Maine has so many scenic water areas so I intend to practice taking shots of reflections when I’m on Deer Isle later this week and the following week.

    1. Dee,

      So glad you are enjoying the photos. I did another reflection this morning that I like, too. Have fun photographing on Deer Isle. Great place!

      Take care,


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