Celebrating 2012, Part 2

… And Preparing for Our Upcoming Exhibit …

Since the last blog, we have been busy preparing our photographs for the upcoming exhibit in Durham.  Anyone who has ever done his/her own framing knows it is an involved process, with careful attention paid throughout all, so the prints don’t get creased or damaged in any way. Fortunately, the Ilford paper we are now using is thicker. More importantly for us, the paper makes our prints look even better than the Epson stock we were using before.

First, the photographs must be signed on the white border in archival ink which takes a lo-o-o-ong time to dry.  Next, we sign the mats, and while it is in pencil, it still takes a while to get through some 38 mats, 19 for each of us.  I do the next part which involves hinging the photographs to the mat boards and laying them on backing, all acid-free, of course.  The final step is to frame, also my domain.  Arnie then takes over and puts in the screw eyes and wire, as well as the bumpers that keep the frames from dancing on the walls when heavy trucks go by.

Once the final preparation is done, we will pack them back into the frame boxes, laid flat, and Tuesday evening, after the gallery closes, we’ll deliver them, probably in two trips. 38 frames take up a lot of room!

As mentioned in the last blog, the opening is next Friday, January 18, from 6-9, at Through This Lens in Durham, NC, so we hope you can be there.  The invitation is in that same blog, just in case you missed it.

Now, on to more of our favorite images from 2012 … and for somewhat larger versions of these photographs, head over to our Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/BarefootContessaPhotoAdventures and click on Photos.

We returned to Acadia National Park, the oldest national park east of the Mississippi.  Located way Down East in Maine, it is relatively remote, and because we go off-season (always the best time, we think), we have many locations to ourselves. On the way up and back, we got to see friends and family. © 2012 Margo Taussig Pinkerton.  All Rights Reserved.  From Barefoot Contessa Photo Adventures.  For usage and fees, please e-mail BC (at) ZAPphoto (dot) com or contact us at 310 Lafayette Drive, Hillsborough, NC  27278 or at  919-643-3036 before 9 p.m. east-coast time.© 2012 Arnold Zann.  All Rights Reserved.  From Barefoot Contessa Photo Adventures.  For usage and fees, please e-mail Arnie (at) ZAPphoto (dot) com or contact us at 310 Lafayette Drive, Hillsborough, NC  27278 or at  919-643-3036 before 9 p.m. east-coast time.

We then took off for Europe and three workshops there. The first was The Scottish Highlands & the Isle of Skye, a very special place. We did a near-daily blog from there that many people followed. In addition to some spectacular skies, we enjoyed warm pubs and friendly people.© 2012 Arnold Zann.  All Rights Reserved.  From Barefoot Contessa Photo Adventures.  For usage and fees, please e-mail Arnie (at) ZAPphoto (dot) com or contact us at 310 Lafayette Drive, Hillsborough, NC  27278 or at  919-643-3036 before 9 p.m. east-coast time.© 2012 Margo Taussig Pinkerton.  All Rights Reserved.  From Barefoot Contessa Photo Adventures.  For usage and fees, please e-mail BC (at) ZAPphoto (dot) com or contact us at 310 Lafayette Drive, Hillsborough, NC  27278 or at  919-643-3036 before 9 p.m. east-coast time.

Provence and Her Charms was next on our itinerary. We love this part of the world, with its old cobble street wending their way up steep hillsides, the textures, the amazing history, and the warm people. And, we would be remiss if we didn’t mention the fabulous food and wine that we all thoroughly enjoyed! A lot of that is celebrated in our blog from there.© 2012 Margo Taussig Pinkerton.  All Rights Reserved.  From Barefoot Contessa Photo Adventures.  For usage and fees, please e-mail BC (at) ZAPphoto (dot) com or contact us at 310 Lafayette Drive, Hillsborough, NC  27278 or at  919-643-3036 before 9 p.m. east-coast time.© 2012 Arnold Zann.  All Rights Reserved.  From Barefoot Contessa Photo Adventures.  For usage and fees, please e-mail Arnie (at) ZAPphoto (dot) com or contact us at 310 Lafayette Drive, Hillsborough, NC  27278 or at  919-643-3036 before 9 p.m. east-coast time.

For our final workshop, we drove north, stopping at a familiar haunt in Bourgogne for a fabulous meal at our favorite restaurant in that region. Everything is cooked over fire, whether coals under the stove grill, or in the brick, wood-fired oven. And the Mousse Chocolat was to die for! After spending the night there, we continued north for Paris, City of Light and La Fête de la Musique, that fabulous celebration of the Summer Solstice with music on so many street corners. As one band or group fades, another takes command down the block or around the corner. I managed to do a almost-daily blog from Paris, too. We are returning there again in June to share this wonderful city with more photographers and a repeat participant from last year!© 2012 Arnold Zann.  All Rights Reserved.  From Barefoot Contessa Photo Adventures.  For usage and fees, please e-mail Arnie (at) ZAPphoto (dot) com or contact us at 310 Lafayette Drive, Hillsborough, NC  27278 or at  919-643-3036 before 9 p.m. east-coast time.© 2012 Margo Taussig Pinkerton.  All Rights Reserved.  From Barefoot Contessa Photo Adventures.  For usage and fees, please e-mail BC (at) ZAPphoto (dot) com or contact us at 310 Lafayette Drive, Hillsborough, NC  27278 or at  919-643-3036 before 9 p.m. east-coast time.

Next: Celebrating 2012, Part 3

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4 thoughts on “Celebrating 2012, Part 2”

    1. Thanks for the congratulations. We are really pleased, as it is an excellent gallery devoted entirely to photography.

      We have two print sizes 16″ x 24″ that mat and frame up to 23″ x 31″, and the size that we are hanging in this exhibit.

      The larger size prints are 20″ x 30″ that mat and frame up to 29″ x 39″.

      All materials are acid free.

      Take care,


      1. Yes, congratulations on the upcoming show. Want to wish you and Arnie the best. Would love to attend the opening but to far away. Hope the show is very successful.

        1. SuAnn,

          Great to hear from you. We know you are far away, but we very much appreciate your good wishes. When the show is over, we will post photographs. Meanwhile, we hope to post shots from the opening reception..

          Take care,


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