Death Valley 2014 Will Eventually Come

Death Valley in Installments

Because of the Internet situation where we are staying, slow at best and non-existent or minimally functional at other times, blogs will be posted when we can manage them.

I am doing a 2014 series on Death Valley, but I cannot upload images from here, so it will have to wait until we have breakfast in a section of the park, a whole square mile or half mile, that actually does have service, both phone and cell!

So, please bear with us, we are not absent by choice! Still, having a great time in Death Valley with yet another wonderful group, a melange of alumni and newbies.

The laughs have already started!

Meanwhile, if you want a flavor of Death Valley, you could look at last year’s blog starting with and moving forward from there.

Next time: When we can actually upload and post images!

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2 thoughts on “Death Valley 2014 Will Eventually Come”

    1. Yes, Mark, it is, but since our last trip, the onus is on the park visitor if such service is required. We lay down the “law” and warn people.

      So looking forward to seeing you in Cuba.

      Take care,


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