A Celebration of Images

Life has been hectic with one workshop following another, and not much time in between to do much of anything except laundry. To add to that, my husband Arnie’s hard drive died before the last Maine workshop, so I have been battling the challenges of getting up to speed with a new computer and changing the “old” one to suit Arnie.

Rather than write a blog for the next few weeks, I will post images. The ones for this week are some I made during the last workshop in Maine. Next week will see some more from Maine, and after that, we will be heading to France for yet another workshop. There may be some travel reports from France as well as some images, as long as I can achieve an Internet connection that will allow me to upload images!

Meanwhile, here are three images that represent some of the ones in the gallery I posted on a blind page on the Barefoot Contessa Photo Adventures website. I hope you enjoy them.

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2 thoughts on “A Celebration of Images”

  1. Margo,

    VERY NICE as usual! You have such a unique and creative way of seeing the world. As an amatuer photographer, I find your work very inspiring and full of hope… hope that I can see things in an equally creative manner. I watched the entire slideshow on the TBC site and there are too many great images to list. Thanks for sharing!!!

    Les Phillips

  2. Margo,

    I love these images. I am planning to go to the coast of Maine for a week in the middle of August to photograph. I have just purchased my DeLorme Atlas for Maine. I’ll probably stay somewhere around Boothbay Harbor.

    Your images certainly do not lack “Sunday Punch”. Did you do a good deal of image processing in Lightroom and Photoshop?



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