One Shot, Lines

No one has yet answered yesterday’s challenge. The thing is still awaiting identification. Any other guesses out there? Give it a shot, if you’ll pardon the pun.

Yesterday, we started out at our favorite fishing village on the Outer Banks. This always presents so many possibilities, and our participants were not disappointed. In fact, I know of two who are headed back there after the workshop ends.

© 2011 Margo Taussig Pinkerton.  All Rights Reserved.  From Barefoot Contessa Photo Adventures.  For usage and fees, please e-mail Arnie (at) ZAPphoto (dot) com or contact us at 310 Lafayette Drive, Hillsborough, NC  27278 or at  919-643-3036 before 9 p.m. east-coast time.I love simple compositions. One could say minimalist. Just a few elements to lead one’s eye around in the image.

Wandering back and forth amongst our scattered group, I was walking down one pier and saw this scene. It begged me to photograph it, so I did. Yes, One Shot.

It was windy, and the fishing rods were waving back and forth. So was the chain, albeit not as much. I didn’t mind that so much as did the repeated intrusion of those rods I didn’t invite. I had to wait and wait until they behaved themselves and the recalcitrant ones stayed out of the frame as I repeatedly asked them to do. Finally, they minded, and I could get the image I wanted.

Patience is one of the most difficult parts of photography. Oftentimes, we are so eager to get the shot that we actually miss it. We find uninvited guests in the image back on our computers. Things that if we had waited a tad more, we could have avoided. Sure, we have Content Aware Fill, Cloning, and Healing, but it’s so much easier to be patient.

We always enjoy comments.

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8 thoughts on “One Shot, Lines”

    1. Nicole,

      It is on a shrimp boat that runs out of our favorite fishing harbor down this way. As I recall, it ran to one of the booms that swing out with the nets to catch the shrimp.

      I’m glad you enjoyed the photograph, too. We miss you and Joel. How are you?

      Take care,


    1. Judy,

      Actually, this wasn’t the blog for the guess. The previous day was. This was some sort of stay on a shrimp boat. The lines behind are the fishing rods the owner had on the port side.

      If your guess was for the day before, would you mind posting it there, and I’ll comment from there.

      Many thanks, and thanks for writing. So glad you like the shot.

      Take care,


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