One Shot, Long Shot

OK, readers, the photograph in the blog of the 20th (sorry, I had the wrong date last time) has yet to be correctly identified. There have been some funny comments and guesses, but … Any other guesses out there? It is, indeed, a strange thing!

On the next-to-last morning of our workshop, we went to the fishing village we so enjoy. I had already met up with Mike who owns a lot of the property on which we photograph, and we caught up a bit. Our group scattered, eager to photograph all the textures we had promised them.

Arnie pointed down one pier, showing our group the light, and I walked down with one of our crew.

© 2011 Margo Taussig Pinkerton.  All Rights Reserved.  From Barefoot Contessa Photo Adventures.  For usage and fees, please e-mail BC (at) ZAPphoto (dot) com or contact us at 310 Lafayette Drive, Hillsborough, NC  27278 or at  919-643-3036 before 9 p.m. east-coast time.I was explaining out how the boards on the pier led the eye down to the fishing boat and showed her some possible approaches to composition. Meanwhile, I really needed a small fishing boat in the distance.

Sure enough, patience won out; a small skiff came in from the sound, and I quickly clicked the shutter. I was ready, and again, I had only One Shot.

A second one would have put the smaller boat too close to the large fishing boat for my taste. This way, the wake trailed out behind it and gave the balance I wanted.

This was a case of watching the patterns of the fishing harbor, with boats coming and going. It was not a question of if another boat would pass by, more a question of when, what size, and in what direction. This one came together as I had hoped.

So, when you are in a situation with comings and goings, anticipate what might happen, then wait … and wait … and wait. And when it comes, you may only have time for that One Shot! The Long Shot in the title of this blog refers to the name of the fishing boat, as it wasn’t a long shot that the photograph would come together as I had hoped.

Now, take a look at that blog from the 20th, and give a guess as to what it might be!

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