Toscana, Day 2, Day Off and Classic Cars

© 2011 Margo Taussig Pinkerton.  All Rights Reserved.  From Barefoot Contessa Photo Adventures.  For usage and fees, please e-mail BC (at) ZAPphoto (dot) com or contact us at 310 Lafayette Drive, Hillsborough, NC  27278 or at  919-643-3036 before 9 p.m. east-coast time.We’ve had two, back-to-back workshops, so it is good to take a day off. We love what we do and sharing our passion for photography with others, but in any profession, a day off sometimes is not a bad thing.

Arnie and I work in the morning, then head to the pool, order a bottle of wine, some crostini, and settle down for a few hours, taking swims now and then. I continue with Mma at Zebra Drive on my Kindle, and we are relaxed. Some of our alumni join us, and we catch up a bit.

Later, we agree to meet to head up the hill into town. Arnie and I enjoy showing them around a bit. They love it!

We notice that in another piazza, there is the same car show we saw last year. A Morris Cooper, several Jaguars and Rolls Royces, an MG or two, and some other cars grace the square.

We are disappointed, as last year, because many of the cars are not really well kept. Arnie thinks they have had a rally. Perhaps he is right. They all have signs on them with numbers, so it makes sense.

Still …

© 2011 Margo Taussig Pinkerton.  All Rights Reserved.  From Barefoot Contessa Photo Adventures.  For usage and fees, please e-mail BC (at) ZAPphoto (dot) com or contact us at 310 Lafayette Drive, Hillsborough, NC  27278 or at  919-643-3036 before 9 p.m. east-coast time.The car that Arnie and I think is the best is a 57-ish Jaguar. It is gorgeous.

I photograph it from the front, and later, when the owner lifts the bonnet for someone to see the engine, I remark, “Bella!” You could eat off the engine, it is so pristine.

The owner, of course, beams with pride.

He opens the driver’s door and gestures that I should get in. I do. It smells of fine leather. The wood is polished to perfection. I stroke the steering wheel. Arnie, amused, takes a photograph.© 2011 Arnold.  All Rights Reserved.  From Barefoot Contessa Photo Adventures.  For usage and fees, please e-mail Arnie (at) ZAPphoto (dot) com or contact us at 310 Lafayette Drive, Hillsborough, NC  27278 or at  919-643-3036 before 9 p.m. east-coast time.

I sit in it for a bit and imagine driving it down some country lane, windows open, the sound of the engine running smoothly. I love classic cars. Perhaps that comes from driving my father’s 1931 Model A Ford Roadster on the back roads of New Hampshire when I first got my license all those years ago.

Reluctantly, I get out of the car. It has been a treat. I find the owner and tell him how beautifully kept the car is. My Italian is sketchy after several weeks of speaking Spanish, then French. His English is better.

It turns out he is ex-pat Brazilian and relates a wonderful tale of how he came to own it. He has done all the work on it. It is his passion. He is not so interested in driving it, but tinkering with it and restoring it has given him much pleasure.

It shows.

I thank him, then relate his story to the others.

It is time for dinner, and we head to a restaurant overlooking the square. We laugh and converse for several hours.

A we are sipping wine before dinner comes, the swallows come out. Annie half seriously jokes that this is not a time to look up with one’s mouth open.

Suddenly, he makes an unhappy noise, “Eeeyooo!”

He has been nailed by a bird dropping. Fortunately, the bird has taken excellent aim. It has missed both Arnie’s gorgeous white hair and his t-shirt with the white collar and merely decorated the nape of his neck in a bold stroke.

I take his napkin and wash his neck. Then, I flag the waiter, and because my Italian is not up to this particular happening, I flap my arms and make a rude noise of a bird dropping landing, handing the waiter the soiled napkin.

He brings another, and not five minutes later, Arnie gets nailed again. And again, I flag the same waiter, say “Due,” while holding up two fingers. He looks surprised, but because we are all laughing, he laughs, too. This time, he thinks it prudent to bring two napkins.

Meanwhile, thinking of Under the Tuscan Sun, I say that Arnie should have good luck. We all laugh some more, and he is bird-free for the rest of the evening, although we all protect our wine glasses. Soon, the evening meal is over for the swallows, and we know we are safe.

Also thinking of the movie by the same name, Arnie says, one bird-dropping incident, I get to buy the villa in Tuscany; two droppings, and I get one free!

Afterwards, we head to get some gelato. Yummm! Sorry, no photos. Too sticky with the drips on a warm evening!

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4 thoughts on “Toscana, Day 2, Day Off and Classic Cars”

    1. Thanks, David.

      You really ought to be here, although I know moving gets in the way. Bummer! But next year, you’ll be settled, and hopefully, we’ll see you in one of our workshops.

      Take care, and thanks for your comments!


  1. Tu dispiace Arnie! Perhaps he can use his Bird Karma for one of those cool cars!
    Looking forward to more Toscana updates including food p-rn (photos and more).


    1. Hmmm. Bird Karma. I like that one, Madame Defarge.

      One more bird karma this evening, albeit a mini-one on the placemat. We moved inside and enjoyed a lovely bottle of Rosso, homemade spaghetti (fat, not the US kind), and for me, some fabulous gnocchi. More yummm! More great photo ops, too.

      Hugs to all the other Defarges,


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