Isle of Skye, Day 06

Sixth Day of the Workshop

We have had long days, so we all slept in a bit and started our critiques later, as well. People appreciated the extra time, not only for sleep, but we had additional time for imaging.

There was more philosophical discussion, and some of our group shared their experiences. One talked about the process of getting his work into galleries and exhibitions and sales. Another, the development of vision. Another, the need to be pushed to take the next step.

We enjoyed yet another yummy lunch at the hotel, a wonderful sense of camaraderie around our tables.

It was a grizzly-gray day. One has to watch what one wishes for, as one might get it. We love cloudy skies, but much of the sky was flat. At one point, we pulled over quickly, as there was light across the Sound of Raasay, a white sailboat stark against the hills and mountains on the mainland.

I turned the other way, as I saw dappled light on part of the craggy hills behind us.
© 2015 Margo Taussig Pinkerton.  All Rights Reserved.  From Barefoot Contessa Photo Adventures.  For usage and fees, please e-mail TBC (at) BCphotoadventures (dot) com or contact us at 310 Lafayette Drive, Hillsborough, NC  27278 or at 1-919-643-3036 before 9 p.m. Eastern Time, ET.

We chased the light that didn’t happen until we reached an area where

I had made one of my favorite photographs from the Isle of Skye. People found their spots, while Arnie and I offered suggestions and admonishments. Because of all the rain, it was boggier than usual, but people managed to pick their way to their vantage point of choice.

This was my photograph from the last visit.
© 2015 Margo Taussig Pinkerton.  All Rights Reserved.  From Barefoot Contessa Photo Adventures.  For usage and fees, please e-mail TBC (at) BCphotoadventures (dot) com or contact us at 310 Lafayette Drive, Hillsborough, NC  27278 or at 1-919-643-3036 before 9 p.m. Eastern Time, ET.

Next: More from the Isle of Skye

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