Paris, Day 00

First Day in Paris, a Bonus Day The day before was dedicated to having a last breakfast with our Isle of Skye group, then getting from Glasgow to Heathrow to Paris. Planes were delayed, but we made our connection and got into the city about an hour late. With the Paris Air Show going on, […]

Isle of Skye, Day 07 and Coda

Seventh Day of the Workshop Usually on our last day of the workshop, we enjoy dinner together, but because of the light this far north, it really is not an option. The days are long. and one can photograph easily until 11 at night. Our host at the hotel had been so charming that we […]

Isle of Skye, Day 06

Sixth Day of the Workshop We have had long days, so we all slept in a bit and started our critiques later, as well. People appreciated the extra time, not only for sleep, but we had additional time for imaging. There was more philosophical discussion, and some of our group shared their experiences. One talked […]


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