Belize, by Horse to Santa Rosa Cave

After getting up early to do some work before breakfast, Arnie and I headed off on horseback with Santiago to Santa Rosa Cave, a so-called “dry” cave. We started off on the dirt road out of Cotton Tree on Prince and Jackie who dutifully followed Stephanie.

In fact, every time I tried to get Jackie to speed up, he put on his mule shoes. It took some doing when I tried to come alongside Santiago to ask a question or just listen to his talking about the various plants and their healing powers.

I took off my flip-flops, lashed them to the saddle, and rode as close to bareback as was going to happen this round. Arnie and I are like the shoemaker’s children. We do photographs of our participants, but we don’t have that many of ourselves.

I brought up my camera. Hmmm. When was the last time you photographed from the saddle? Trying to keep everything focused and level is …

Belize, Farewell, Caye Caulker; Hello, Cotton Tree Lodge

We had mixed feelings today. We love Caye Caulker and its laid-back feeling. On the other hand, we were really looking forward to returning to Cotton Tree Lodge and our friends there.

While Arnie slept in a slight bit, I went out to photograph. The sky was dark, portending a passing shower, but I decided to proceed. There were a couple of flowers I had in mind for this morning, and I spent a half hour or so before the rains came doing some macro work.

After breakfast and saying goodbye to new-found friends, Scott and Nick, the taxi took us down to the airport. I love these island airports. They tickle my fancy. Check out the luggage carts and the whole feel of the place. Across the way, where you can’t see, two eagles were in their nest high atop a telephone pole.

We hopped over to Belize City, then to the …

Belize, A Full Day in Caye Caulker

This morning, after finishing the first blog in this year’s travelog series from Belize, we went to breakfast. As I was munching on fresh mangos and melons, the unmistakable Lightroom screen caught my eye at the next table. Caye Caulker is a place where one easily strikes up a conversation, and the photographer responded that he loved LR3.


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