Making Photographs

Yes, I know; I’ve been absent. Between getting ready for Savannah, processing images from there, preparing for our spring and summer workshops, I was snowed under. No different from anyone else, of course, but I had to let the blog rest for a couple of weeks. Making Photographs It is interesting in photography that we […]


I took a week off. Between visiting with friends in the mountains, preparing for our upcoming Savannah workshop, and redoing a lot of the website images, there just wasn’t time. Reminiscing Our visit was fun and brought up a lot of reminiscing and chatting about photography. Arnie and Michael go back a long way. They […]

Photo Rut & Announcements

A photographer friend wrote us recently, frustrated at being in a photo rut. I wrote him back the following, “I have an exercise for you. Go out to some nearby location, and make one perfect image. This will force you to previsualize what you want from the image. You can compose and recompose, change your lens, your viewpoint, your intended treatment, but only make that one image. I think that sometime in the excitement of a location, we don’t take the time to make that beautiful image…


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