On the Road…Still

It has been a busy fall. After just shy of four weeks on the road and some 6,700-plus miles, we returned home on Tuesday night to find that MooseCat, our Maine Coon Cat, was actually still speaking to us. Usually, he greets us at the door, then after appropriate scratches, hellos, and treats, he gives […]

Road Trip, Different Viewpoints

In our workshops, we always say that each person brings a different view to a scene. If you have ten photographers interpreting a certain scene, you are more than likely going to get ten different views. This happens with Arnie and me. I would hazard a guess that with the majority of couples, if one […]

HDR Can Be a Great Tool

While I have seen HDR (High Dynamic Range) tools used with restraint, enhancing a photograph rather than overpowering it, I have seen it used more often to give everything the same value. Those of you who have taken our workshops know what I mean. Values are the lights, darks, and midtones that make any piece […]


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