A Return to Special Places

As I grew up learning to sail on my dad’s classic wooden boat along the Maine coast, I quickly came to recognize the various tidal rivers and harbors that we would frequent, places such as Tenant’s Harbor, Clark’s Cove, Otter Island, Muscongus Bay, Eggemoggin Reach, among a plethora of others. I had my favorites, and […]

Just Another Crazy Week

What can I say? It has been one of those crazy weeks. We’ve all had them. You know, when whatever you do is interrupted by something else. As we were getting ready to leave for one of our workshops in the mountains of western Virginia, the intercom rang, and I heard Arnie on the other […]

Photographer’s Block

There is something called writer’s block, but we do not have that expression for photography. We should. There is no question that photography has changed in the digital age. We have traded in dark rooms and labs for computers and CS3 or some other imaging program. What we do may not have changed that much, […]


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