From the Other Side

Last week, I wrote on how to select a workshop, but I suspect most people don’t appreciate how much goes into the workshop they finally attend. While I can’t speak for others, of course, it must be pretty much the same scenario. About a year ahead, Arnie, John, and I work out the destinations and […]

The Value of Membership

To be a photographer is usually to be an Alpha. You know, top dog! We’re independent, like to be our own bosses, prefer to be masters and mistresses of our own destiny. That’s all well and good, but there is an inherent down side to all this — Isolation with a capital “I.” Isolation from […]

Finding Serendipity – Part VI of, yes, VI

So, there I was, looking slightly disreputable in my informal shorts, camisole, flip-flops, and teal backpack, the new member of a delightful and sophisticated group of interesting people from Melbourne and vicinity. There was John, the captain, his sister Lynn, her husband Rob, first mate Dayle, Scotsman Ian, and our departing psychiatrist, Tony. After a […]


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