Cuba 2014, Interim Apology

It has been frustrating with the Internet at our hotel. It has taken me two days to get connected, and our busy schedule in Cuba has prevented me, as it should, from coping with the problems. Suffice it to say that we are having a great adventure back in Cuba and will resume the blog […]

Cuba 2014, Days 01-02

An Introduction It feels so good to be back in Cuba! It does not come without one particular challenge, the Internet. The people are so very friendly, the city sites so wonderful, and the colors and energy palpable. The Internet, however, slogs along at the speed of an injured slug and is extremely expensive, $4/half […]

New Orleans, Day 04

Our participants are getting to know New Orleans. Photographs that perhaps did not meet the enthusiastic review of fellow participants were redone. “I’m headed back to that beignet shop to revisit that shot.” “You know that wall I did as an excercise? I want to try it again based on the critiques.” And so forth […]


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