Happy New Year 2014

As we did last year, here is a patchwork of some of our favorites from 2013.  Some you may have seen from some of our travel blogs. Some will be new to you. And as noted above, they will all appear in the next few blogs…

Death Valley 2013, Previsualizing in BW

I am not quite ready to leave Death Valley. Sure, we are now in Vegas visiting with friends, he a childhood and car-crazy buddy of Arnie’s. We have been having fun catching up, but we have also been talking about our wonderful time in Death Valley.

During our workshop, as most of you know, Arnie and I don’t get to photograph much. When I do, I have to make it count. The images in this blog were one-shot wonders, as one of our alumni calls them.

Carefully compose, think of composition and

Death Valley 2013, Day 05

The dunes in Death Valley produce some of the most iconic images in the park. Undulations in the knife ridges, the way the light plays off on either side, the depth of layers all contribute to the magic of this location.

Because the dunes are so close to our hotel, we got to “sleep in” and met in our cars at 6:00.

Our participants already knew what the dunes could produce,not only from their own photographs but from those of their confrères.


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