Death Valley 2013, Day 04

All our days are early. That’s the nature of a photo workshop, but after morning hugs, we took off for one of Death Valley’s iconic locations, Zabriskie Point.

We weren’t first, but close to it. The sky already was full of promise, and there was a pre-dawn glow on the far mountains across the valley.

Death Valley 2013, Day 03

First, yes, we did fall off the end of the earth. We are, after all, in Death Valley, and the Internet here is, as I may have mentioned before, iffy at best and non-existent a good portion of the time. Throw in a sand/dust storm, and, what can I say. We do not exist in the outside world.

In the morning, however, the dust storm had not yet hit. There had been hints of its coming the last day or so, but we headed out to the crater, knowing we would have clear air for the lava crater.

It is an other-worldly place.

Death Valley 2013, Day 02

A hill was graced by low light, and it seemed in the next minute, it was in full sun, albeit the early-morning variety.

“Look over there,” I’d say.

“Look behind you,” Arnie would call.

The light was beautiful…


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