Same Place, Summer Maine Students ’13

Same Place – Different View I have not done a “Same Place – Different View” blog for quite a while, and we are proud of our students’ work, so this is long past due. In this one, we visit some different approaches and viewpoints from our 2013 Summertime on the Maine Coast. I grew up […]

The Magic of Light, Part 04

…and the Mystery of Shadow Since this is a series, start with Part 01 if you didn’t catch it, then go forward to Part 02, Part 03, and finally back here to Part 04. There are many different kinds of light, several of which we will address in this installment. There is alpenglow, that amazing, […]

The Magic of Light, Part 03

…and the Mystery of Shadow Since this is a series, start with Part 01 in which we talk about the Magic of Light and Mystery of Shadow. If you did not catch it, start at, then go forward to Part 02, and finally here to Part 03. We continue with more examples. Some images […]


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