The Magic of Light, Part 02

…and the Mystery of Shadow In Part 01 in this series, we talk about the Magic of Light and Mystery of Shadow. If you did not catch it, go to We continue with more examples. Light is ephemeral. Dawdle, fiddle with your camera settings, and you will lose the moment. In this one, Arnie […]

The Magic of Light, Part 01

…and the Mystery of Shadow Arnie and I are old-fashioned and, let’s face it, biased. We love the look of classic photography. Many people are into HDR (high dynamic range) images, those ones that put everything on the same tonal plane so the eye does not know where to look. While HDR can be used […]

Blue Skies, Who Needs’em Reprise 03

Back to night skies, as I pen this well after dark, we were in Bryce National Park, and I saw the potential in this scene. If you could have witnessed the position I was in to make the shot, you would not have thought it possible. For me, it was well worth the contortions.


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