Cascades and Blossoms

The first evening, we went out to one of the more dramatic waterfalls.  Each time we visit, Arnie and I try to photograph it differently.  Each year, the puckerbrush encroaches, leaving …

Save the Date, Tropical Impressions

I did say that putting together a blog today might be problematic, but I have been sending out Save-the-Date e-mails to family, friends, alumni, and BCPA friends for our upcoming photography exhibition. Those who know us on Facebook and LinkIn already know about this, but some of you who follow us here on WordPress may not be on our list. Therefore, I am publishing the announcement for Save the Date here.© 2011 Margo Taussig Pinkerton.  All Rights Reserved.  From Barefoot Contessa Photo Adventures.  For usage and fees, please e-mail BC (at) ZAPphoto (dot) com or contact us at 310 Lafayette Drive, Hillsborough, NC  27278 or at  919-643-3036 before 9 p.m. east-coast time.

It was interesting two winters ago when Arnie and I were in Belize. Unbeknownst to each other, we were each doing botanical abstracts with selective focus, and sometimes with only a little piece of the image in focus.

A friend introduced us to the executive director of an elegant gallery not too far …

People, Yes or No

Nature photographers are often allergic to putting people in their photographs. I must admit culpability sometimes, too.

There are times, however, when a landscape with people in it is so much more interesting than one without …


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