Scouting for New Locations – Part II

Last week, I shared some of my scouting stories, the first one, from the driver’s seat of Monty, my dad’s 1931 Ford Model A Roadster. Here are a few more vignettes of searching for interesting spots… Sometimes, I am scouting for a particular scene, such as mist on the water or farms, but at other […]

Scouting for New Locations – Part I

I’ve just completed a long, four-part series on Digital Asset Management. It’s time for some shorter, more-anecdotal stories now, ones that will hopefully inspire you in a different way. One of the fun things about photography is discovering new locations. I should actually say scouting for new locations, for while we often serendipitously discover new […]

Travel Portraits, Part I

For the past couple of weeks, I shared some of my favorite film landscapes and referred to some people I’ve met along the way. In our workshops, we concentrate on landscapes, but often, our participants photograph people, usually fellow students. People can be put into a landscape or be a landscape in themselves. Composition is […]


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