Adapt and Improvise on the 4th

In photography, there are always challenges. They mimic life. We join an annual Independence Day celebration at the house of some friends. This year, it was scheduled for the 2nd, and because we had guests flying in from the Northeast to see our exhibition, we were unable to attend. Instead, we invite a group to […]

Reception Invitation for Our Exhibition

The reception for our exhibition of large photographs, Tropical Impressions from Belize, is a mere week away, Tuesday, July 12, 6:30-8:30 in Graham, NC. For those who are interested, Arnie and I will also be presenting a Lunch and Learn at noon in which we will discuss with the guests the photographs and the process […]

Provence, Day 7, Up in Mountain Villages

We visit a couple of hilltop villages, the first a more remote one, little known to outsiders. It is ours. We don’t have to share it with tour buses. Just the locals, a few visitors, and the occasional dog or cat. We were here earlier in the week scouting, but there is always more to […]


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