Copyright Infringement, Part 3

Thank you to all who have expressed concern and support of our recent discovery of copyright infringement of one of Arnie’s photographs.

We are happy to report that Pam Parker apologized and removed all instances of Arnie’s image from both Facebook and Zenfolio.

In the spirit of moving forward, we consider …

Copyright Infringement

Today, instead of writing a blog, I was doing e-mails and announcements, warning people to look on, because I found a clear case of copyright infringement there. I will post more

Same Place, Stormy Sky

Same Place —Different View

Those of you who have followed this blog for some time know I love stormy skies. In fact, fairly recently, I did a blog on Blue Skies, Who Needs’em.

Stormy skies are magnificent, powerful, and a great backdrop to spring greens. Complimentary colors, believe it or not.

The forecast was for T-storms. Perfect.

“The barn with the red roof will be perfect,” I said to Arnie, and he …


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