Blue Skies, Who Needs’em Reprise 03

Back to night skies, as I pen this well after dark, we were in Bryce National Park, and I saw the potential in this scene. If you could have witnessed the position I was in to make the shot, you would not have thought it possible. For me, it was well worth the contortions.

Blue Skies, Who Needs’em Reprise 02

When we were in Cuba last February and March, we saw some pretty dramatic skies. This image was made along the Malecòn in Havana, where the winds come off the Straights of Florida and dash the waves against the sea wall, sometimes so much, that the road is closed. I got drenched getting this shot, but it was worth it! Blue Skies, Who Needs’em!

Blue Skies, Who Needs’em Reprise 01

As we sit at the table, doing our work, finishing up hotel arrangements for Europe next year, it has been raining cats and dogs, sometimes even dinosaurs and elephants. I was reminded by a recent comment on my original Blue Skies, Who Needs’em blog that inclement weather can make for some amazing images. This one is a case in point, and it is one of my all-time favorites. I never tire of looking at it.


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