Vision behind Photograph — Cropping in Camera

I’ve been working hard to revamp all our student photo galleries, and while they’re not all done, I hope you will enjoy the new look. Go to and click on the Student Galleries in the menu at the left. You’ll see the latest ones from Savannah & the Lowcountry as well as our most […]

Making Photographs

Yes, I know; I’ve been absent. Between getting ready for Savannah, processing images from there, preparing for our spring and summer workshops, I was snowed under. No different from anyone else, of course, but I had to let the blog rest for a couple of weeks. Making Photographs It is interesting in photography that we […]


I took a week off. Between visiting with friends in the mountains, preparing for our upcoming Savannah workshop, and redoing a lot of the website images, there just wasn’t time. Reminiscing Our visit was fun and brought up a lot of reminiscing and chatting about photography. Arnie and Michael go back a long way. They […]


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