Cuba 2015, 01

We all met in the hotel lobby. 5:20, and we were all on the shuttle bus to catch our 8:00 am charter flight to La Habana, as Havana is known in Cuba. People were both excited and perhaps a little nervous, but getting our tickets and other travel documents was a breeze, thanks to a […]

Venice 2015, 02

Day Two of our workshop saw an early start, perhaps not compared to our state-side workshops, but early for our European ones. The reason? Fish market. We gathered in the hotel lobby to head out the door at 6:40 to head over to the market to catch the fishmongers and other merchants setting up. It […]

Venice 2015, 01

It is our first day of this workshop, our first in Venezia for Carnevale. Everyone comes down to breakfast. Some introduce themselves. Others rekindle old friendships. It is good. After our preliminary meeting that is shorter than normal — after all, this is an alumni workshops where we set a higher bar — we head […]


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