Travel Portraits — 2

I took a week off from travel portraits for an article on Less Is More. Less is more also applies to portraits. After all, one does not want the surroundings to overshadow the subject, but to enhance the person and give him/her a sense of place. We have posted a new video on YouTube called […]

Adieu, Paris!

Arnie and I had two more days in Paris after la Fête de la Musique. A bit sluggish getting up the next morning, we had a late breakfast around the corner at a sidewalk café before heading back towards the river through le Jardin du Luxembourg. There was a boules tournament, so we stopped to […]

The City of Light — Paris

Ah, Paris, the City of Light! La Ville-lumière! What images it evokes — the Seine, la Rive Gauche, Notre Dame, Montmatre, laTour Eiffel, l’Arc de Triomphe, Moulin Rouge. The arts, the intellectual community, the Sorbonne, café society… Out workshop was done. Hugs and good-byes followed imaging and final critiques. We loaded the last few things […]


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