The Last of Bourgogne…For This Year

It was Tuesday, and we were half way through our workshop. We always try to alternate shorter days with longer or special ones, and it was time for one of the latter. I had received a telephone call the previous day from the manager of a large-but-very-select winery with an excellent reputation among connoisseurs both […]

More from France

Well, I obviously never managed to post last week. We were so busy with our Bourgogne workshop, that there was never any time (or energy) to cope with more than basic e-mail, let alone sit down, compose a blog, and process some images for it. Friday morning, before we officially started, Arnie and I went […]

En France — More Photos

We are in France and have been since the 10th. It is glorious in Bourgogne, the heart of French wine country and where the Romans first brought those wonderful grapes so long ago. The flight over was not as bad as it was in 2006. Air Canada was terrific. We flew from North Carolina to […]


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