Death Valley 2014 Will Eventually Come

Death Valley in Installments Because of the Internet situation where we are staying, slow at best and non-existent or minimally functional at other times, blogs will be posted when we can manage them. I am doing a 2014 series on Death Valley, but I cannot upload images from here, so it will have to wait […]

Same Place, Colorado Students 2014

Same Place – Different View For this Same Place – Different View, we draw from our 2014 Colorado’s Fall Colors participants’ work. We love this area, as there is so much variety, and we will return yet again next year. As those of you know who have come to our workshops, we really want our […]

Less Is More, Outer Banks Fall 2014

…or The KISS Approach … We open up a magazine, and often, we are assaulted by garish colors, HDR effects run amock, and confusion so bad that the eye does not know where to go, let alone land. Watch a TV ad and we often wonder what is really being advertised. Go into a gallery, […]


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