Cuba 2014, Day 05

Valle de Viñales, another UNESCO World Heritage Site UNESCO World Heritage Sites are extraordinary. As noted on the UNESCO website, “The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) seeks to encourage the identification, protection and preservation of cultural and natural heritage around the world considered to be of outstanding value to humanity…” Suffice it […]

Cuba 2014, Day 04

An Amazing Restoration School and the Streets of La Habana Last year, we were all struck by the amazing restoration going on in La Habana. Students at Escuela de Taller apprentice, then work on buildings throughout the city, restoring them to their former glory. The Bacardi Building is one example that I showed in last-year’s […]

Cuba 2014, Day 03

A Market, Santería, & the Malecòn We are back from Cuba, once again, with reliable Internet access. That provided the challenge of purging my mail program of well over 1,000 messages, many junk ones, to be sure, but still in need of being tagged with a filter block. And then, there were messages I had […]


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