New Orleans 2014, Day 00, Scouting

We had a great day with a long-time, good friend who opted to do a scout-and-shoot day with us. This is not the first time he has done this, and we always have a great time. Once the owner of one of the first really good photo galleries in the country, he has a wealth […]

New Orleans 2014, Days 00

The City of New Orleans, NOLA (taking in the state abbreviation), The Big Easy, Crescent City (because of the way it follows the curve in the Mississippi), N’awlins … call it what you will, New Orleans is a magical place, a mélange of Spanish, French, African, and many other cultures.  The two most commonly referred to […]

Celebrating 2013, Part 4

We had a spectacular evening, the likes of which we have never seen here. Everyone repeated, “No one is going to believe this,” but these were the colors we all saw and all recorded and all reviewed on our computers.


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