Canyon de Chelly & Navajoland 2013, Day 01

Never one to stand where others, so, I found a higher vantage point. Normally, I would have been at the cliff-edge, but it had been raining, and I figured it was prudent to save that for another day. My vantage point, however, worked, as it …

Canyon de Chelly & Navajoland 2013 Day 00

We have many treasures in the U.S. with rock art and ancient ruins that speak to some of our early civilizations. We are in Canyon de Chelly (pronounced Shay) National Monument, a set of canyons that is second in size in the U.S. only to the Grand Canyon. Home to the Ancient Ones, as the Navajo call the Anasazi, for about 1,000 years beginning in 300 C.E. (current era), there are hundreds of sites containing ruins, some …

Paris, Day 08

It is always with nostalgia and more than a little sadness that we spend our last day in Paris, and in Europe for our visits each year. We have met so many wonderful people, reconnected with old friends, enjoyed the company of participants new and returning and watched them grow as photographers, and enjoyed fabulous food and wine.


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