Paris 2013, Day 07

Following our normal modus operendi, we walked the short distance to the corner for breakfast. In the window, I saw a gentleman with whom I had enjoyed a conversation the other day. He beckoned us in, and we met his wife and chatted about art, photography, and their upcoming move to Berlin where prices, we are told are half those in Paris.

We said we were looking for another neighborhood market, and they told us of one ten or so minutes away. Cards were exchanged and arrangements made to keep in touch and hopefully get together before we left Paris.

Paris 2013, Day 06

But if one is traveling, particularly in Paris, one still gets out and walks … and walks … and walks. We regularly walk 5, 10, 15 kilometers a day. On hard pavement and uneven cobble stones.

Photographers zig and zag, and sometimes it can take a long time to get from Point A to Point Z.

Paris 2013, Day 05

This was the big day, the day we anticipate each year we revisit Paris. It is a crazy, wonderful, insane, celebration of Summer Solstice.

The Gendarmerie are out in force, but they turn a blind eye to the usual infractions.


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