Paris 2013, Day 04

We got off the BatoBus, the last one of the day, at Notre Dame and headed directly to one of our favorite restaurants.

A grilled Camembert to share for Arnie and me, some Sea Brim for Arnie, Tartare de Boeuf for me, and a delicious bottle of Saint-Émilion, and we were happy. Because we got to dinner so late

Paris 2013, Day 03

Since the first time I visited Paris back in ’61, I have loved Montmartre. Sure, it has changed over the years, namely more tourists by far. That said, the basic flavor of Montmartre is the same.

It is an enclave of artists and intellectuals, one of the oldest art centers of the city.

There are the wonderful views of the rooftops and city below and beyond that are basically the same, including this view of la Tour Eiffel.

My English granny and Dad (who was half American) lived in Paris in the 20s. Granny loved Montmartre. It appealed to her Bohemian sensibilities.

Paris 2013, Day 02

The elderly gentleman heads toward the café, shopping bags in tow.

Fountains, both old, such as this lion, … And new, with a bizarre twist of humor added.

My favorite French/Parisian car, the Deux-Chevaux, with its unmistakable shape.


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