Paris 2013, Days 00-01

There were parapluies galore. People walking quickly. At one point, the skies turned almost black. We were sitting under the protection of the awnings, but our waiter, the same we have had every visit in Paris, kept looking up at the ominous skies, flashing with lightening, rumbling with thunder, and questioned our sanity as the winds picked up. We laughed, and yes, the waiter did, too! He remembered us from years past once he saw us with our cameras.

Tuscany 2013, Day 07

They loved Toscana. How could one not? Between the food and wine, the Crete Senesi and Val d’Orcia (two famous valleys), the landscape with castle-topped tors and Medieval “cities” dripping down steep hillsides, there is no chance of mistaking this for other parts of the world.

Tuscany 2013, Day 06

I poked my head in one door looking for someone. Alessia’s familar face appeared, and she reconized me, too.

“Did you get my e-mail?” she asked.

“Yes, but I haven’t had a chance to read it yet.”

“Let me have a few minutes, and I will be back.”


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