Tuscany 2013, Day 05

But it was time to head to the hills. There is a classic Tuscan scene that everyone loves to photograph. We stopped at the location so everyone could see the layout, but the light was not yet right. We knew it wouldn’t be, but it gave us time to visit a wine and olive farm and make some photos there. Pierro remembered us from our last visit, and the family welcomed this group, too.

In the shade of a terrace, I found these

Tuscany 2013, Day 04

Our next stop was a chapel up the hill. It is small and charming, and there is a little cemetery. Some walked up the hill, while Arnie and I moved the cars. I pulled in to the parking area under a magnificent old tree, got out, and went to open the gate. It would not open. It has always been open.

A car came by, and I flagged them down. An English couple, they were staying at a small inn up the road.

“Yes, my husband tried it, too,” explained the lady, “which was a surprise, because our host said it was always open.

Well, not today. Quickly, we scrambled to head to another location.

Tuscany 2013, Day 03

“You want me to turn down there?” Arnie exclaimed with a few other choice phrases.

“Yes. Clearly it is used a lot.”

“But by what, and where will we turn around?”

“If the farm trucks can get back out, I am sure we can. Besides, you’re an excellent driver. You’ll manage just fine.”


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