Sicily 2013, Day 08

There was the produce section, always beautifully displayed.

And let’s be realistic, the Italian men really do appreciate the female form, regardless of the age of the admirer and the subject. It’s the package that counts. And the ladies know this. It is often difficult in the market to distinguish between

Sicily 2013, Day 07

Forget the fat hen. We were going to a coastal town to join Turi as he bought fruits, vegetables, and yes, fat fish!

He took us down a back way. Small roads we had not yet been on. The Garmin warned us of the severity of switch-backs when Turi went around the corners ahead of us.

A thoughtful leader, he did not lose us.

Sicily 2013, Day 06

Frank came up the steps and greeting me Italian style and shook hands with the others. Always charming, he offered us some of his wine while he conducted some business. Being proper travelers, we graciously said, “Yes!”

All kidding aside, we enjoyed he wine. It had beautiful legs, and a very interesting flavor. This is a wine that Frank is still developing, I believe.


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