Sicily 2013, Day 05

As we ambled along Corso Umberto, Arnie and I pointed out different examples of light, guiding our students to more appropriate approaches for he subjects they chose.

We sat in the shade at one of the cafés on Piazza IX Aprile, savoring the day, some light lunch, and a glass of wine.

Arnie and I wanted them to see some marvelous gardens in Taormina. Besides, some of our group wanted to sample the gelato at the place we like, the place where they make their own from scratch.

There were plenty of things to photograph along the way.

Sicily 2013, Day 04

Mt. Etna was about as clear as I have seen her this trip this morning. Just a wee bit of venting at the top, but not much else. During breakfast, however, she started making her own weather, something she is prone to doing…


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