Sicily 2013, Day 02

He was sitting outside at a small table covered in brochures and books on Sicily.

He heard us approaching and turned around.

“You should have been here. I just returned. Come, come see the beautiful lemons I got. I could have used your help.”

Turi obviously remembered that we pitched in.

“I went down to the village, and look at the fish I got, and the gamberi (little shrimps).”

Sicily 2013, Day 01

We were tired but eager to get out and walk. We walked down the hill a little bit from our hotel turned right, and went down some steps. Italy in general has a lot of churches and chapels, and I poked my head in this one, as the light was subtle but …

Cuba, Her People & Culture, Day 14

Cuba, Day 14 The Famous Cementerio de Cristóbal Colón & a Return to the Malecón We returned the second week to Cementerio de Cristóbal Colón, the largest in Havana. The city has a population of over two million, and this cemetery alone, covering some 140 acres, is reputed to have over one million interred within […]


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