Cuba, Her People & Culture, Day 10

Cuba, Day 10 Roaming the Streets of Havana Again, I am filling in the two missing days that got lost! There is a lot of construction going on in Havana. New gas, water, and electrical lines are being laid, as shown here. Buildings are being restored. Cobbled streets relaid. One has to watch where one […]

Cuba, Her People & Culture, Day 09

Cuba, Day 09 Textures & People Being without the Internet for the three official days of mourning for Chavez put me behind. So far so that I missed some days! So, we’ll backtrack to Day Nine. First, a word about the Cubans we met. People are generous here, if you are open, and while they […]

Cuba, Her People & Culture, Day 13

Cuba, Day 13 In and Around Habana Habana is a most interesting city. Part historic, part renovated, part faded glory, and all people, it enchanted most everyone. It has not yet been really spoiled by outsiders, and thankfully, there are no McDonalds around. Yes, Cuba has her own fast-food outlets, but they are small and […]


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