Cuba, Her People & Culture, Day 04

Cuba, Day 04 A Tobacco Plantation We gathered in the morning in the lobby. It was 6:00, and we were headed for a beautiful valley where a lot of tobacco is grown. We wanted to get there before the light got too high. This was a fun change. We had been pounding the cobble streets […]

Cuba, Her People & Culture, Day 03

Cuba, Day 03 Walking Around the City There are some wonderful faces in Havana. With our Cuban professional photographer guides, Ishmael and Orlando, we have been privy to the places they love to photograph. It might be in an old building needing rehab, yet a little girl in pristine school uniform will come down the […]

Cuba, Her People & Culture, Day 01-02

Cuba, Day 01-02 Arriving in Havana and Getting Acclimated We met our group in Miami and took off in a charter flight to Cuba. We were all so excited. This has been a dream for many of us for a very long time. Finally we were headed there. Arnie and I were seated on the […]


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