Outer Banks Lighthouses 2012, Day 02

Day 02 – Yes, a Tamer Sandy, but the Seas Still Rage Arnie and I have been getting so many e-mails and Facebook messages asking after our well-being. We have been lucky on the Outer Banks. Most of Hurricane Sandy stayed offshore, so all we got was high winds, gusting sometimes up into the 70s. […]

Outer Banks Lighthouses 2012, Day 01

Day 01 – The First Day of the Workshop Our group arrived today. They braved the high winds coming over the bridges to the Outer Banks, but even though Hurricane Sandy is making things a bit “breezy,” we have seen much heavier rains out here. People are fascinated by the storm. Many never have a […]

Outer Banks Lighthouses 2012, Day 00

Day 00 – Hurricane Sandy Comes Calling There is only so much time each day to do what we must. I love doing the blogs from our workshops, but in the interest of taking less of my time (and yours), I am going to make them shorter and perhaps more frequent. Time will tell. We […]


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